New Town, a New Kind of Practice

Ok, so we aren't exactly "new" to Garden City anymore, since we opened back in October of 2016. But we ARE adding a lot of new services to our practice! Check it out:

We've recently started offering in-house lab draws, including basic labs, and specialized tests like Food Sensitivity, Micronutrient Testing, Hormones, and many more super exciting --at least for us-- labs for our patients!

Currently en route is our Sunlighten Infrared Sauna! (You can see a review of it on The Doctors here.) This unit may help patients decrease blood pressure, relieve muscle and joint pain, lose weight, and assist the body in it's natural detoxification processes. Infrared is what we get exposed to from the sun, without possible harmful effects of UV exposure. Keep in touch to learn more about the launch date of our new Sauna!

Nutrition is a hot topic, in the media, on our social news feeds, and certainly in our office amongst patients. We have began offering in-house seminars regarding all-things-diet, from basic entry-level information to those with more advanced knowledge. AND we will be offering a 30-Day Reset challenge, complete with recipes, shopping lists, and probably more information than most people will care for :) Stay tuned as Dr. George and myself (Dr. Michelle) kick off our pilot program! (This will also be a process of easing into the Ketogenic diet --which we will talk more about later.) 

So you see, it's not that we're new...but you sure will see a few new players around!

edited 10/10/17


30 Day Reset